Everything you ever wanted to know about online bike sale
A UK based retail bike chain that owns about fifty physical bike stores along with a large online store, in a recent survey revealed that 27% of riders preferred buying their bikes online. The stats are similar here and in other parts of the world.
A large chunk of enthusiastic cyclists have begun to buy bikes online.

Physical stores limit buyers by selection. With so many online stores mushrooming in this era, people with limitless selection are more choosy and prudent about spending each dollar right. This aspect brings us to online stores that exclusively offer bike sale all year round. That’s right, there are different types of online stores depending on your needs and requirements. Typically, they can be classified into eight types.
Some of these are superstores that quite like their names are very large. Other online stores include ‘premium stores’, extensions, chains, direct-to-customer, house brands and the like. Each of these stores specialize in a distinct combination of product, pricing and service scope.
Discounter is one such online store that specializes in providing lowest price to its customer. These stores particularly offer good discounts, often up to 20%. The deals or gears that you find in discounters are mostly the ones you can’t find even in the large superstores. Some discounters also offer great service often comparable to premium service category!
The next time you want to buy a bicycle on sale do check the discounters category while shopping online. Alternatively, one thumb rule that you should universally apply while choosing an online store should be that the cycle you want is in stock, at a great price and comes with first rate customer service. As long as these things are taken care of, you are good to go!